• What’s a stem cell?
  • Take a closer look at the cells in your body

Definition of Stem Cell

Stem cell, as a primitive stage cell, is able to differentiate into every cell or tissue in our body. Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells that obtain specific functions and shapes through differentiation. They are capable of renewing themselves and differentiating into a number of cell types. Studies on stem cell therapy for treating incurable or chronic diseases that used to be difficult to cure are underway around the world, and some stem cell therapies have been already approved to treat incurable diseases.

Stem Cell Differentiation

Differentiation refers to the process by which a stem cell becomes specialized to have a specific structure or function while growing through division and proliferation.

Types of Stem Cells

Embryonic Stem Cell

  • Embryonic stem cell, derived from an embryo, is a cell that can be differentiated into all types of cells. Research has been conducted to use such properties of embryonic stem cells to regenerate the tissue damaged from injuries or diseases by differentiating them into specific tissue. However, such research has faced an ethical issue as it uses an embryo.

Adult Stem Cell

  • Adult stem cell that can be found in various tissues is easily and safely taken from peripheral blood, fat, bone marrow, placenta and umbilical cord. It has been already differentiated to perform a specific function, so each adult stem cell can be used for different diseases depending on the level of potential differentiation. For instance, hematopoietic cell can be differentiated into blood cell and mesenchymal stem cell can be differentiated into bone, cartilage, fat and fibrous tissue.


Comparison between Immunocyte and Stem Cell

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Category Immunocyte Stem Cell
Function Cell that eliminates cells and tissues infected by cancer cells or viruses Cell that regenerates damaged cells and tissues of the human body
Applicable diseases Applied to infectious disease such as cancer and virus Applied mainly to chronic degenerative diseases such as cardiac disease, diabetes, arthritis and dementia